Swiss Jerky


The highest protein “Label Suisse Garantie” beef is selected.
It is trimmed, cut very, very finely to remove as much fat as possible, seasoned and then moulded/pressed into sticks.

It is then dried at Vionnaz in the Alps, under controlled conditions of temperature and humidity.

  • Herbes du Grand St. Bernard organic herb flavour: Aromatic, herbaceous (Thyme, basil, savory, rosemary, lovage, sage, tarragon, marjoram)
  • Smoked: Seasoned with our smoked Alpine salt, delicate and fragrant woody flavour.
  • 5-berry pepper: The round, fragrant flavour of pepper with a hint of spiciness.

55g = 190g of fresh beef


Main features:

  • Origin: Suisse
  • Ingredients: “Label Suisse Garantie” beef, honey from Vionnaz (Switzerland-Valais), organic herbs from Grand St. Bernard (Switzerland-Valais), spices, salt from the Alps (Switzerland).
  • Process: A technique designed to optimize the nutritional qualities of ingredients, particularly proteins and iron.


  1. Rich in Protein: Thanks to our meticulous choice of beef.
  2. Bio: Herbs from Swiss organic farming for an authentic taste.
  3. Nutritive: An essential source of iron for a balanced diet.
  4. Authentic: Made in Switzerland, respecting local traditions.
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